Disney City Girl is a Facebook-based life simulation game developed by Playdom, the creator of Marvel: Avengers Alliance, Ghosts of Mistwood. The game, which targets female players, simply puts a player in the position of a fashion girl to live a life of fashion and luxury in a stylish and aspirational virtual world.
In the game, players can engage in various activities and perform actions in their apartment or go outside to earn experience points, coins and other items. With a strong focus on social features, players are also encouraged to frequently visit their neighbors to develop the relationship with them on the one hand, and earn coins and collectible items on the other.
Disney City Girl is a fashion-themed social game on Facebook developed by Playdom. In the game, players take the role of a girl who has just been back to New York City and starts her new life. They will furnish their apartments, diversify the wardrobe and pursue their favorite career.
Do you need additional coins, gold or glam? Do not hesitate! Try the newest Disney City Girl Hack – play and have fun!
Be better than your friends are, and gain advantage easily!
Download Specs & Features:
-Adds unlimited coins
-Adds unlimited gold
-Adds unlimited glam
-Renewal energy
-Double XP
*Extrack .exe with winrar*
*Microsoft Framework Required*
- Download Hack
- Run Hack
- Login hack
- Choose Value of goods
- Click Generate
- Refresh page
- Have a nice game
Details Disney City Girl Hack:
- Version: 7.2
- Operating System: Mac / Windows 98 / Me / 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 and also all others.
- Browsers: Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Icewasel and the others.
- Anti-Ban Protection : Yes
- Undetectable Script : Yes
- Tested and works perfectly.
Disney City Girl Hack Proof:
RăspundețiȘtergereOoops!!! Just a warning my friends, the hack/cheat tool provided above is not working! You will be just wasting your time! Anyway, I found the working tool which gives you unlimited on EVERYTHING and you can also unlock EVERYTHING. It really Goddamn usefull haha!
CLICK HERE for THE only working hack/cheat tool
CLICK HERE for THE only working hack/cheat tool
It also has instructions on using for those new to this! Enjoy guys and just wanna say that this game is soooo addictive! :D