About Chatroulette:
We all know that most of Chatroulette’s visitors are men, but the latest survey has shown that only around 8.92% are women. It means that there are 10 times more men then women and that you have really low chances to find a girl here. The bigger problem is that the most girls do not want to show. Chatroulette also says that they keep hot and girls that want to show for their premium members.
We know that you are tired of seeing only men on Chatroulette, so we made a totally new tokens generator that generates 25 Premium Codes for 100 Premium Connections and 15 Premium Codes for 500 Premium Connection Every Hour. Our generator automatically posts these codes in a text file and uploads them on our server.
Don’t wait any longer, start chatting with hot girls right now!
Chatroulette Token Code Generator Features:
And running on any operating sistem…
Anti-Ban Protection : Yes
Undetectable Script : Yes
Tested and fully working with an accurate of 99% working rate
Download hack here: